Wednesday 31 July 2013

Greece 2013 - Koza Mosta & Agathonas Iakovidis - Nearly Killed The Greek President?

The Greek president thought he was sending a novelty act by sending the song "Alcohol is Free" but in-fact, the song is very infectious and received a lot of votes, evening becoming first at one point. 

During this, the Greek president must have been having a heart attack, due to their economical woes and the struggle to find money to host the contest. 

A 2013 Underrated Song: Amandine Bourgeois - L'enfer Et Moi - review

If you read the Contigo Hasta El Final review, you'll know why I'm reviewing underrated songs. If not, it's because, well, they're underrated and deserve more limelight. 

 The song "L'enfer Et Moi" or, as translated in English, "Hell and Me" was composed by David Salkin and Boris Bergman. And was performed by the Amandine Bourgeois, the French entrant.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

A 2013 Underrated Song: ESDM - Contigo Hasta El Final - review


Instead of reviewing all the songs people love, I will review underrated songs. My first is ESDM - Contigo Hasta El Final.

El sueño de Morfeo.JPGContigo Hasta El Final was composed and performed by the Spanish band (yes, it was Spain's entry) ESDM (El Sueño de Morfeo - Morpheus' Dream).