Thursday, 8 August 2013

Herning - It's Actually Being Considered

'What a stupid idea! Holding the contest in Herning! It's such a dull city!' is about the best way to sum up what's going through every Eurovision fan's mind. And you're too right! Herning, a city that only has one requirement - a stadium - is actually being considered.

To host the contest, you must consist of two mandatory things and one we kinda need it thing:

  • Hotel Capacity of 3,800 rooms.
  • A stadium suitable of hosting the contest.
  • A wide range of entertainment. * 
*The 'we kinda need it' thing

Unfortunately, for Herning, but fortunately for us, the Eurovision fans, Herning only has 1 out of the 3 requirements; a stadium. As for the other two, Herning has a little over half the hotel capacity and it is, to put it bluntly, the most boring city in Denmark. 

If the more hardcore fans, like me, have a hunch, we seem to think that 40+ countries will participate, meaning more fans from other countries, so you'll definitely need the extra hotel capacity, Herning! 

If I'm completely honest, Copenhagen is the most sensible choice. However! However! However! Horsens, who want to host it in an abandoned prison, meet all the requirements. I mean, as for the "a wide range of entertainment", basing the contest in a prison is entertainment enough!

The likely result is that, unfortunately, it will be held in Herning. You know who I blame, Eurovision fans? You! All you Danish people out there who keep saying, 'there's more to Denmark than Copenhagen,' - no one really cares, to be honest. We want our favourite show to be a success, don't we? Yes? Then keep it away from Horsens is the conclusion!


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